Saturday, March 17, 2012

Oh, the Weather Outside is... Delightful!

When it's this pretty outside and sunny and warm, you just have to get out there. I feel so fortunate that I'm even ABLE to during the day, having taken the year off of work. We started out the day with some yard work - Penny cheered me on from the Pack n' Play. I'm a little paranoid about sun exposure (says the girl who used to go to the tanner ::GASP!::), so I covered about half of the top with a blanket so she wasn't in the sun. It's not even far enough into spring for our trees to have leaves yet, so unfortunately there is like, zero places with any shade. Luckily the Pack n' Play is fairly transparent on the sides, so Penny could keep an eye on me, because, you know, WE MUST SEE MOMMY AT ALL TIMES! 

We also came back outside a bit later when the heat/sun wasn't so harsh and played on a blanket. It's such a great time of year, especially with these record-high temperatures we've been getting. There's hardly any bugs yet, no real humidity to speak of... LOVE IT!